
My site is gone

blog blocks wallpaper

In an attempt to transfer my hosting from WordPress to BlueHost, I lost my whole site. At first, I was distraught – over two years of blogging and over 26,000 page views lost in an unfortunate accident. But as I’ve thought about it for the past 3 weeks, it is a blessing.

Much of what I’ve written about the past few years is no longer true for me:
Travel hacking, especially with such a devotion to Chase-issued cards, will never be the same.
FinCon, where I’ve been able to meet so many of my blogging heroes and best friends, will never be the same.
In the age of Covid-19 and the resulting insanity from people too ignorant or too selfish, our world will never be the same.

So in that lens, I will be combing through old drafts to see if anything can be salvaged. “Evergreen” posts will be revamped. The rest will be forgotten.

And I’m set up on this host for the next 2 years and 11 months, so I won’t be losing anything again for a while 😉

6 Thoughts to “My site is gone

  1. After all that time I spent digging up caches of your posts… NOW you tell me not having them is a blessing. 😤

    Just kidding. Yeah, so much has changed thanks to COVID and any financial advice we give outs needs to reflect that. We’re in for some devastating effects but also some silver linings, and I’m really hoping our country can gets its act together enough to have more silver than devastation.

    And PLEASE make sure to get site backups this time!! We like your stuff Josh, think of the little people!

  2. Great attitude, it kind of speaks against hubris, did anything we’ve done matter that much? Besides. your best work is still to come!

  3. I’m sad that your old stuff is gone! But I understand the silver lining. Behind the scenes, I’ve talked with my business partner Tom about how I feel it would be liberating to simply nuke Get Rich Slowly and start from scratch. I’d keep all of the old stuff an gradually re-introduce the best of it, but it would be so freeing to axe the archives…

    1. I’m going to bring some of it back, but there was so much garbage that it’s not worth the effort to revive it all. And I think I had 70-something posts, so I’ve got access to ~75% of the posts from the fabulous Darcy at WeWantGuac.
      I can only imagine what it would feel like to have over a decade of old material to comb through. Fortunately this was only 2.5 years worth for me.

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